Officer Duties Officer Nomination Form
Duties of the LDCCW President
1. At the beginning of your term, oversee that a current directory of the board members is provided.
2. Schedule the dates ahead for the Executive Board and Board Meetings held four (4) times a year in Tomah for your two (2) year term.
3. When scheduling dates for Convention, Leadership Workshop, Service Shareshop, etc., try to keep them on a different date than other scheduled Diocesan and Deanery events.
4. Invite the Bishop or his representative, and our LDCCW Spiritual Advisor, to all LDCCW Board Meetings and events.
5. Take care of all the correspondence and phone calls that come to you.
6. Make up a calendar of events.
7. Keep good files of reports of your activities.
Board Meetings:
8. Prepare an agenda to be sent out with the Call Letter from the Secretary.
9. Write a letter (Message from the President) of happenings, encouragement, and pertinent information to be included for the Parish Presidents in their parish packet sent went with the Deanery Presidents from the Board Meetings they attend.
10. Your Executive Board Meeting will be held before your Saturday meeting with all the Board members.
Conventions - Share Shops - Work Shops – Spirituality Day – Special Programs:
11. Organize, delegate, prepare, and oversee the duties of these important events. Various deaneries are the hosts.
12. All LDCCW Executive Board Meetings and facilitate (4 times a year).
13. All LDCCW Board Meetings and facilitate (4 times a year).
14. The Province Board Meeting (2 times a year) and do a report for presentation and files.
15. Help with the Renaissance Team as often as possible, but choose a chairperson.
16. NCCW Conventions.
17. Diocesan Pastoral Council Meetings (you are appointed by the Bishop, held 2 times a year).
18. And any other special diocesan committee if the Bishop asks (i.e. -5th Diocesan Synod).
19. Other Diocesan Conventions (if you are invited and can make it).
20. The Spring and Fall Deanery gatherings to meet the ladies of the diocese (if you cannot, then designate a representative).
21. LDCCW expenses will be paid to attend the NCCW Conventions, including registration, lodging, banquet and Province dinner.
22. You are the visible representative of the La Crosse Council of Catholic Women. Welcome the blessings and graces. More hands make a lighter work load, so delegate and make others shine.
Duties of LDCCW President Elect Adopted 1-2020
1. Assist the President:
a. By being available to represent her at General Assemblies/Deanery Meetings held throughout the Diocese.
b. By being available at diocesan events such as, but not limited to, the commission Work Shop, Share Shop, Spirituality Day, and including attendance at the Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting if the President is unable to attend.
2. Attend the Diocesan Executive Board Meetings held four (4) times a year.
3. Attend the Diocesan Board of Directors Meetings held four (4) times a year.
4. Attend the Province of Milwaukee Board Meetings held two (2) times a year, and write up a report for presentation and the files.
5. Be a member of the Renaissance Team, possibly serving as Chairperson, and write a report of any Renaissance Team action for presentation and the files.
6. Attend the NCCW Conventions held every year.
7. LDCCW expenses will be paid to attend the NCCW Conventions, registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
8. Create an evaluation sheet, hand it out, and have a collection box for events such as Spirituality Day, the Work Shop, Share Shop, and any other such functions. Use the information collected to give a report to be given at the next Board Meeting.
9. Have a confirmed schedule of dates for Board Meetings and events for the upcoming term to present at the LDCCW Convention where she will be installed as President of LDCCW.
10. Other responsibilities as assigned.
Duties of LDCCW Vice President Adopted 1-2020
1. Verify arrangements for the four (4) LDCCW Executive Board and Board of Director Meetings.
- of hotel and meeting room reservations for quarterly Executive Board and Board of Director Meetings at the Tomah Holiday Inn (reservations are made by the President but it is the responsibility of the Vice President to give the hotel the amount of people and the names of who will be in the rooms, along with the number of lunch reservations)
- checks with Convention/Share Shop/ Work Shop/special events host deanery coordinator for Board of Director Meeting arrangements at those facilities.
2. Compiles the schedules of the Spring and Fall General Assembly/Deanery Meetings for publication in the Catholic Times newspaper and forwards schedule to the LDCCW President.
3. Serves as a member of the LDCCW Executive Board and Chairperson on committees as assigned by the President.
4. Perform as Hospitality at Board Meetings (i.e. – welcome guests, be responsible for name tags, table place cards, and to run copies during meetings if necessary, take care of room temperature, bring water pitchers or coffee to Executive Board and guests tables during meetings and/or meals).
5. Make sure the American flag and Diocesan Council banner are put up at all LDCCW meetings and events.
6. Update the roster quarterly. Keep a current list of all Parish, Deanery, and Diocesan addresses, emails, and phone numbers which should then be forwarded to the LDCCW secretary, and the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), upon any changes.
7. Other responsibilities as assigned.
8. LDCCW Expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
Guidelines for LDCCW Immediate Past President Adopted 1-2020
Immediate Past Presidents generally serve as mentors and are also available to offer insight, advice, or an opinion for any Ad Hoc Committees looking for background in whatever area the Board needs.
1. Submit dates and announcements of all LDCCW meetings and events to the media, such as the Catholic Times newspaper.
2. Write and promptly send an article to the Catholic Times newspaper after each LDCCW Executive Board Meeting, Board of Directors Meeting, or event (such as but not limited to the Work Shop, Share Shop, Spirituality Day, LDCCW Conventions, and NCCW events) about the purpose, what was accomplished, and the coverage of our speakers.
3. LDCCW expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions, including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
4. Will fulfill her position with the information in the Bylaws and the Standing Rules and Guidelines.
Duties of LDCCW Secretary Adopted 1-2020
1. To type up and send to the President, letters to accompany agendas for all Executive Board Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings.
2. To attend ALL Executive Board Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings.
3. To take roll call for both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
4. To read any correspondence needed at both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
5. To take minutes at both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
6. To make sure that typed minutes are submitted to the President within three (3) weeks from the meeting date for both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
7. To send out the call letter and agenda by email or paper at least three (3) weeks ahead of the meeting date.
8. Make copies of all reports and information that will be distributed at the Executive Board and Board of Director Meetings, and in the parish packets.
9. Make name tags for members of the LDCCW Board. They are then to be given into care of the Vice President (who is responsible for meeting and event registration hospitality).
10. Along with the Vice President, keep a current list of all Parish, Deanery, and Diocesan position addresses, emails, and phone numbers in an address file. Make copies available at meetings so they may be kept in all CCW files.
11. At the beginning of the new term, immediately type up a directory of the current Board Members and give a copy to each member.
12. LDCCW Expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
Duties of LDCCW Treasurer Adopted 1-2020
1. Keep all accounts payable and receivable up-to-date on ledger.
2. Keep an accounts receivable ledger for all parishes in the La Crosse Diocese.
3. Provide a monthly financial statement. Send one copy to the President and keep three (3) for the Audit Committee.
4. Make up deposit and mail to financial institution.
5. Balance checking account with monthly bank statement.
6. Disburse custodial funds quarterly to respective accounts.
7. Disburse all funds upon approval of the Present and/or Executive Board.
8. Pay National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) and Province (of Milwaukee) dues.
9. Keep current list of Deanery Treasurers.
10. Inform Deanery Treasurers of dues owed and deadline.
11. Keep a current list of all Parish Presents and their addresses and emails.
12. Inform NCCW of all changes in names and addresses immediately for delivery of Catholic Woman Magazine and other NCCW information to current officers.
13. Serve on the Budget Committee and prepare proposed budget for the LDCCW.
14. Prepare an annual Financial Statement according to the fiscal year.
15. Call auditors when records are closed at the end of the fiscal year for the yearly audit.
16. Take care of registration at all Board of Director Meetings and forward the list to the Secretary for name tags.
17. Collect thank you notes and turn them over to the Secretary.
18. LDCCW Expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
NCCW Convention Financial Support Adopted 1-2020
1. LDDCW views participation in the annual NCCW Convention an important tool for communication, training, and enrichment of our officers. Therefore, expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions during your term including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner for the following positions: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Past-President, Spirituality Commission Chair, Leadership Commission Chair, Service Commission Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Historian
2. Not included in the paid expenses are: transportation, and the costs of optional convention tours, the fund-raiser entertainment night, meals not covered in the registration, the Silent Auction, Purse Auction, Mass collections, and sale items at the Convention booths and NCCW store.
3. Women attending the Convention are expected to fully participate and be prepared to bring reports and information back to their councils.
3. Any of these officers needing additional financial support are encouraged to apply for an LDCCW grant through our grant programs.
4. Any active Council women not included in the above positions, but desiring to attend the NCCW Convention and in need of financial support, may apply for an LDCCW grant through our grant program.
Duties of the LDCCW President
1. At the beginning of your term, oversee that a current directory of the board members is provided.
2. Schedule the dates ahead for the Executive Board and Board Meetings held four (4) times a year in Tomah for your two (2) year term.
3. When scheduling dates for Convention, Leadership Workshop, Service Shareshop, etc., try to keep them on a different date than other scheduled Diocesan and Deanery events.
4. Invite the Bishop or his representative, and our LDCCW Spiritual Advisor, to all LDCCW Board Meetings and events.
5. Take care of all the correspondence and phone calls that come to you.
6. Make up a calendar of events.
7. Keep good files of reports of your activities.
Board Meetings:
8. Prepare an agenda to be sent out with the Call Letter from the Secretary.
9. Write a letter (Message from the President) of happenings, encouragement, and pertinent information to be included for the Parish Presidents in their parish packet sent went with the Deanery Presidents from the Board Meetings they attend.
10. Your Executive Board Meeting will be held before your Saturday meeting with all the Board members.
Conventions - Share Shops - Work Shops – Spirituality Day – Special Programs:
11. Organize, delegate, prepare, and oversee the duties of these important events. Various deaneries are the hosts.
12. All LDCCW Executive Board Meetings and facilitate (4 times a year).
13. All LDCCW Board Meetings and facilitate (4 times a year).
14. The Province Board Meeting (2 times a year) and do a report for presentation and files.
15. Help with the Renaissance Team as often as possible, but choose a chairperson.
16. NCCW Conventions.
17. Diocesan Pastoral Council Meetings (you are appointed by the Bishop, held 2 times a year).
18. And any other special diocesan committee if the Bishop asks (i.e. -5th Diocesan Synod).
19. Other Diocesan Conventions (if you are invited and can make it).
20. The Spring and Fall Deanery gatherings to meet the ladies of the diocese (if you cannot, then designate a representative).
21. LDCCW expenses will be paid to attend the NCCW Conventions, including registration, lodging, banquet and Province dinner.
22. You are the visible representative of the La Crosse Council of Catholic Women. Welcome the blessings and graces. More hands make a lighter work load, so delegate and make others shine.
Duties of LDCCW President Elect Adopted 1-2020
1. Assist the President:
a. By being available to represent her at General Assemblies/Deanery Meetings held throughout the Diocese.
b. By being available at diocesan events such as, but not limited to, the commission Work Shop, Share Shop, Spirituality Day, and including attendance at the Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting if the President is unable to attend.
2. Attend the Diocesan Executive Board Meetings held four (4) times a year.
3. Attend the Diocesan Board of Directors Meetings held four (4) times a year.
4. Attend the Province of Milwaukee Board Meetings held two (2) times a year, and write up a report for presentation and the files.
5. Be a member of the Renaissance Team, possibly serving as Chairperson, and write a report of any Renaissance Team action for presentation and the files.
6. Attend the NCCW Conventions held every year.
7. LDCCW expenses will be paid to attend the NCCW Conventions, registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
8. Create an evaluation sheet, hand it out, and have a collection box for events such as Spirituality Day, the Work Shop, Share Shop, and any other such functions. Use the information collected to give a report to be given at the next Board Meeting.
9. Have a confirmed schedule of dates for Board Meetings and events for the upcoming term to present at the LDCCW Convention where she will be installed as President of LDCCW.
10. Other responsibilities as assigned.
Duties of LDCCW Vice President Adopted 1-2020
1. Verify arrangements for the four (4) LDCCW Executive Board and Board of Director Meetings.
- of hotel and meeting room reservations for quarterly Executive Board and Board of Director Meetings at the Tomah Holiday Inn (reservations are made by the President but it is the responsibility of the Vice President to give the hotel the amount of people and the names of who will be in the rooms, along with the number of lunch reservations)
- checks with Convention/Share Shop/ Work Shop/special events host deanery coordinator for Board of Director Meeting arrangements at those facilities.
2. Compiles the schedules of the Spring and Fall General Assembly/Deanery Meetings for publication in the Catholic Times newspaper and forwards schedule to the LDCCW President.
3. Serves as a member of the LDCCW Executive Board and Chairperson on committees as assigned by the President.
4. Perform as Hospitality at Board Meetings (i.e. – welcome guests, be responsible for name tags, table place cards, and to run copies during meetings if necessary, take care of room temperature, bring water pitchers or coffee to Executive Board and guests tables during meetings and/or meals).
5. Make sure the American flag and Diocesan Council banner are put up at all LDCCW meetings and events.
6. Update the roster quarterly. Keep a current list of all Parish, Deanery, and Diocesan addresses, emails, and phone numbers which should then be forwarded to the LDCCW secretary, and the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), upon any changes.
7. Other responsibilities as assigned.
8. LDCCW Expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
Guidelines for LDCCW Immediate Past President Adopted 1-2020
Immediate Past Presidents generally serve as mentors and are also available to offer insight, advice, or an opinion for any Ad Hoc Committees looking for background in whatever area the Board needs.
1. Submit dates and announcements of all LDCCW meetings and events to the media, such as the Catholic Times newspaper.
2. Write and promptly send an article to the Catholic Times newspaper after each LDCCW Executive Board Meeting, Board of Directors Meeting, or event (such as but not limited to the Work Shop, Share Shop, Spirituality Day, LDCCW Conventions, and NCCW events) about the purpose, what was accomplished, and the coverage of our speakers.
3. LDCCW expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions, including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
4. Will fulfill her position with the information in the Bylaws and the Standing Rules and Guidelines.
Duties of LDCCW Secretary Adopted 1-2020
1. To type up and send to the President, letters to accompany agendas for all Executive Board Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings.
2. To attend ALL Executive Board Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings.
3. To take roll call for both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
4. To read any correspondence needed at both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
5. To take minutes at both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
6. To make sure that typed minutes are submitted to the President within three (3) weeks from the meeting date for both the Executive Board Meetings and the Board of Directors Meetings.
7. To send out the call letter and agenda by email or paper at least three (3) weeks ahead of the meeting date.
8. Make copies of all reports and information that will be distributed at the Executive Board and Board of Director Meetings, and in the parish packets.
9. Make name tags for members of the LDCCW Board. They are then to be given into care of the Vice President (who is responsible for meeting and event registration hospitality).
10. Along with the Vice President, keep a current list of all Parish, Deanery, and Diocesan position addresses, emails, and phone numbers in an address file. Make copies available at meetings so they may be kept in all CCW files.
11. At the beginning of the new term, immediately type up a directory of the current Board Members and give a copy to each member.
12. LDCCW Expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
Duties of LDCCW Treasurer Adopted 1-2020
1. Keep all accounts payable and receivable up-to-date on ledger.
2. Keep an accounts receivable ledger for all parishes in the La Crosse Diocese.
3. Provide a monthly financial statement. Send one copy to the President and keep three (3) for the Audit Committee.
4. Make up deposit and mail to financial institution.
5. Balance checking account with monthly bank statement.
6. Disburse custodial funds quarterly to respective accounts.
7. Disburse all funds upon approval of the Present and/or Executive Board.
8. Pay National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) and Province (of Milwaukee) dues.
9. Keep current list of Deanery Treasurers.
10. Inform Deanery Treasurers of dues owed and deadline.
11. Keep a current list of all Parish Presents and their addresses and emails.
12. Inform NCCW of all changes in names and addresses immediately for delivery of Catholic Woman Magazine and other NCCW information to current officers.
13. Serve on the Budget Committee and prepare proposed budget for the LDCCW.
14. Prepare an annual Financial Statement according to the fiscal year.
15. Call auditors when records are closed at the end of the fiscal year for the yearly audit.
16. Take care of registration at all Board of Director Meetings and forward the list to the Secretary for name tags.
17. Collect thank you notes and turn them over to the Secretary.
18. LDCCW Expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner.
NCCW Convention Financial Support Adopted 1-2020
1. LDDCW views participation in the annual NCCW Convention an important tool for communication, training, and enrichment of our officers. Therefore, expenses will be paid to attend NCCW Conventions during your term including registration, lodging, banquet, and Province dinner for the following positions: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Past-President, Spirituality Commission Chair, Leadership Commission Chair, Service Commission Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Historian
2. Not included in the paid expenses are: transportation, and the costs of optional convention tours, the fund-raiser entertainment night, meals not covered in the registration, the Silent Auction, Purse Auction, Mass collections, and sale items at the Convention booths and NCCW store.
3. Women attending the Convention are expected to fully participate and be prepared to bring reports and information back to their councils.
3. Any of these officers needing additional financial support are encouraged to apply for an LDCCW grant through our grant programs.
4. Any active Council women not included in the above positions, but desiring to attend the NCCW Convention and in need of financial support, may apply for an LDCCW grant through our grant program.
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